
Psychopy loop type random no repeat
Psychopy loop type random no repeat

psychopy loop type random no repeat
  1. Psychopy loop type random no repeat how to#
  2. Psychopy loop type random no repeat code#

12 An example “synchronisation error” as shown in PsychoPy Runner. Synchronisation Errors (seen in the PsychoPy Runner Stdout) ¶įig. “Old style” string formatting (using a % operator) works in Python but gives a syntax error in JavaScript but string interpolation (f-strings) is fine.

Psychopy loop type random no repeat code#

If you get this type of error then your Python code probably won’t run locally, and no translated code will be added to the JavaScript version.

psychopy loop type random no repeat

If you have a syntax error in your Python code, the JavaScript translation will be /* Syntax Error: Fix Python code */. One of the advantages of using auto translate code components is that the transpiler is continuously checking your code in order to translate it to JavaScript. In this example there is a python coding error, which means the transpilation cannot occur. In this example, “Code Type” is set to “Auto > JS” meaning python code (on the left) will transpile to JavaScript (on the right). 11 A code component used in PsychoPy Builder. Python Syntax Errors (seen in Auto-translate code components) ¶įig. The easiest way to categorise the different types of error message is based on where they appear. Tutorial tutorial_js_console_log Types of Errors ¶Įrrors in your experiment can manifest in multiple ways. You can also add print(X) (which translates to console.log(X) where X refers to the name of your variable) to check the value of a variable X at a particular point. Use Developer Tools (Ctl-Shift-I in Windows/Chrome, Cmd-Opt-J or Cmd-Opt-I in Mac/Chrome, F12 in IE/Edge, Ctrl-Shift-J in Windows/Safari, Ctrl-Opt-J in Mac/Safari) to view errors via the browser console if you aren’t getting sufficient information from PsychoPy. A participant will not need to do this, so long as they have not already tried a previous version of your experiment. If this does not work use an incognito browser tab. When you synchronise changes to your experiment, you may need to clear your browser cache to see those changes online (using Ctrl-F5, Ctrl-Shift-R or equivalent). Running the latest version of your experiment ¶ See Resources in online studies for more information.

Psychopy loop type random no repeat how to#

Resources that are selected via code components should be added via Experiment Settings / Online / Additional Resources (see how to Configure the online settings of your experiment) or a Resource Manager Component. Resources (spreadsheets, images, etc.) should be in the same folder as the psyexp file or a sub-folder. Your code is executed in order from left to right (in the flow) and from top to bottom (within each routine).Įxperiment Settings / Online / Output path should be blank. Upload your files to Gitlab by synchronising using PsychoPy Builder, rather than using Git commands.Ĭode components should be set to Auto translate (“Code Type” > Auto > JS) unless you know why you need to use different code for Python and JavaScript.Ĭode components should normally be moved to the top of their respective routines. This folder should only contain subfolders that pertain to the experiment. Make changes via Builder.Įach Builder (psyexp) file should be in its own dedicated local folder, which should not be in an area currently under version control (e.g.a github project, Google drive or Onedrive). Getting Started ¶ PsychoPy Builder is your friend ¶Ĭheck whether the features you are using are supported online via our Status of online options page.ĭon’t try to edit JavaScript files on Pavlovia directly. While this page cannot hope to address all of the possible issues you may encounter, it should help you understand the different types of errors and help you give more detailed information if you ask for support on the PsychoPy forums. Sometimes experiments might work perfectly locally, when created and run in the PsychoPy application, but the same experiment might not behave as you expect when you try to run them online, through.

Psychopy loop type random no repeat